University President Prof. Dr Walter Rosenthal.
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Solidarity with the Ukrainian universities and their members

Friedrich Schiller University reacts with concern to the Russian attack on Ukraine
University President Prof. Dr Walter Rosenthal.
Image: Jens Meyer (University of Jena)
  • Light
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Published: | By: Katja B. Bär
Source article

The President of Friedrich Schiller University Jena reacts with concern to the Russian attack on Ukraine: "This day represents a turning point. Our thoughts are with the people in Ukraine and especially with the members of the Ukrainian universities. We also express our solidarity to our staff and students from Ukraine and their families," said University President Prof. Dr Walter Rosenthal.

"The invasion of Ukraine breaks with the values that form the foundation of enlightenment and science," Rosenthal said. Last year, the University of Jena adopted a new mission statement that invokes these values and sees the university as having a responsibility to intervene in public debates when its elementary principles are under attack.

Currently, the University of Jena maintains seven active institutional cooperations in research and teaching with Ukraine in a broad range of subjects. In addition, there are numerous exchange relationships through the EU's Erasmus+ programme. In the winter semester 2021/22, 97 students from Ukraine are enrolled at the university. There are currently no students from Jena in Ukraine.

In consultation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the German Rectors' Conference, of which Prof. Rosenthal is Vice-President for Research, the university will monitor the development of the war and examine how academic cooperation with Ukraine - but also with Russia - can be shaped. The University wants to maintain scientific relations and exchange relations with its partners in Ukraine, where possible, in order to provide assistance.

Panel discussion on the situation in Ukraine

In a discussion with experts from different fields, the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena asks on 28. February from 6 pm about the causes and consequences of the recent developments, informs about the background and discusses possible scenarios for the future.

On the panel of the public event:

  • Dr. Viktoriya Sereda
  • Katja Glybovskaya
  • Dr. Immo Rebitschek
  • Prof. Dr Rafael Biermann
  • Prof. Dr Joachim von Puttkamer

The event will take place in presence in lecture hall 3 at Carl-Zeiß-Str. 3 in german language. The 2G regulation applies.

A livestream of the event can be accessed on 28.02.2022 from 18.00 at the following website: link.