NOA doctoral seminar in 2020.
watermark — a wave that decreases in amplitude and wavelength after passing through an area of points

Integrated Research Training Group

NOA doctoral seminar in 2020.
Image: Anna Schroll

Picture Group IT Day

Image: Dorit Schmitt

Within NOA's integrated Research Training Group (iRTG), all NOA PIs nurture the independent research spirit of doctoral researchers by giving them much freedom to reach their individual scientific goals.

The main task of the iRTG is to promote the scientific expertise of the doctoral candidates. The group aims to broaden the training of doctoral candidates at the academic level by providing the opportunity for candidates to participate in the already existing doctoral programs of related training groups in Jena. A visiting scientist program and short- as well as long-term scholarships offers additional qualification improvement possibilities.

Furthermore, all young researchers are involved in organizing the annual colloquia and summer schools, and have the right to propose and contact distinguished scientists regarding their role as guest researchers for the CRC.

Moreover, NOA's research training group forms a one-of-a-kind educational unit embedded within the two existing umbrella organizations for undergraduate and graduate education, the Abbe School of Photonics (ASP) and the Jena Graduate AcademyExternal link.

PhD Representatives

Edwin Eobaldt
PhD Researcher
Lehrstuhl Experimentalphysik/Festkörperphysik
Edwin Eobaldt
Image: Edwin Eobaldt
Room 207
Helmholtzweg 3
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link
Fatemeh Alsadat Abtahi
PhD Researcher
Photonics in 2D-Materials
IAP, Room 315
Albert-Einstein-Straße 15
07745 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link