Doctoral student Meritxell Cabrejo and supervisor Dr. Falk Eilenberger
Image: MPSPOpen positions for doctoral researchers (PhDs)
The CRC 1375 will continue at least until 2027. It is building on the scientific work of enthusiastic PhD students. Thus, unsolicited applications are welcome at any time, and we are constantly incorporating new PhD students.
Specifically, the following projects are currently offering open PhD positions:
- C1 – Hot-spot-assisted coherent nonlinear Raman spectroscopy towards single-molecule resolution and time-resolution, in the group of Prof. Jürgen Popp - mainly experimental work.
To apply, please check carefully all NOA projects and choose up to four projects which you would like to join. Then, in your application, e.g. within your personal letter of motivation, please give a clear statement on your preferred projects and/or your preferred supervisors.
Your application will be directly forwarded to these supervisors. Not unlikely, the supervisors have more PhD options and projects than those announced within NOA, and will offer them to you upon your application and get in contact with you.
X-ray spectroscopy setup.
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)Application details
We are looking for the most excellent Diploma or M.Sc. graduates in physics, photonics, or a related subject with a strong topical background related to physics and photonics. The doctoral works will be performed in exceptional and highly internationalized research groups at the main NOA location in Jena. Each doctoral topic will offer outstanding opportunities for developing as a young-career researcher. All candidates will be thoroughly introduced to the individual topic and excellently supervised by the highest standards of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Remuneration is offered in accordance with the Collective Agreement for the Public Sector of the Federal States (TV-L) depending on the personal qualifications up to salary scale 13 and in the range of 50-75 % with respect to full time.
The Friedrich Schiller University Jena seeks to increase the number of female scientists and therefore strongly encourages qualified women to apply. The University is committed to providing a family-friendly workplace and is equipped with special means within NOA.
Applications can be done using the doctoral (PhD) positions branch within the Abbe School of Photonics' Online Application SystemExternal link. During the application, the following documents and proofs will be requested for upload:
- Master of Science (M.Sc.), Master of Engineering (M.Eng.), or Diploma degree with significant exposure to physics, photonics, chemistry, engineering or a related subject. If you have not yet finished your Master's degree, you may apply likewise with a preliminary Transcript of Records (ToR) including the marks of all completed courses thus far.
- Transcripts of Records (ToRs) displaying the explicit marks of all completed courses within your Bachelor and Master studies. If available, a description with the explicit content of the courses will support your application.
- A comprehensive curriculum vitae (CV). Please list all stages of your education in chronological order. The CV must contain a clear statement about your current status and/or occupation including information on current employments, unemployment, or parental leave. Any prizes, scholarship, extraordinary social, cultural or sportive activities may also be part of your CV.
- A letter of motivation of 1...2 pages. It should describe your personal background, interests and reasons for applying to NOA. In there, please include a clear statement on your preference(s) concerning projects and/or your preferred supervisor(s) within NOA.
- A copy of your passport.
- One or two letters of recommendation from academic referees (optional). A template is available for downloadExternal link; however, is not mandatory to be used by the referees. If one or both referees rather prefer personalized, free-style recommendation letters, they may contain a date and an official headline/stamp from the higher education institution the referee is affiliated with.
- A proof of English proficiency by
- TOEFL, or an equivalent English test (minimum points/grades): TOEFL PBT (550), TOEFL CBT (215), TOEFL IBT (85), IELTS (6.5), or
- Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE) exam or Cambridge English Advanced (CAE) exam, or
- German "Abitur" with comprehensive coverage of the English language.
- Language exemptions: The following students are exempted from providing the proof of English proficiency: nationals from the USA, U.K., Ireland, Australia, New Zealand or Canada; or B.Sc. or M.Sc. graduates who obtained their major academic qualification in one of these countries
Speculative application of motivated students and researchers with a background in research areas of NOA are welcome. We also offer incoming fellowships for short-term stays of Bachelor, Master and PhD students. For further information, please contact noa@uni-jena.de