- Light
We will start with the first NOA Lecture for this fall semester on Wednesday, the 13th of October. The topic is “Imaging electron dynamics with attosecond x-ray pulses” and it´s hosted by Daria Gorelova.
The ability to image electronic motion on its natural time and length scale will provide new insights into chemical and phase transformations in atomic, molecular and condense matter systems. This task can be achieved by (sub-)femtosecond x-ray pulses, since their with wavelengths correspond to atomic distances and time duration is short enough to resolve electron dynamics. I will discuss time-resolved x-ray techniques for characterization of electronic motion on atomic scale and theoretical description of these processes.
NOA Lecture Series, Lecture Hall Helmholtzweg 4, Wednesday 13th of October (4pm)
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Further Information will be given: E-Mail: noa@uni-jena.de