The central aim of the project is to harness hybrid nonlinear optical systems, i.e., parametric nonlinear optical structures coupled to atom-like absorbers, for the generation of tailored quantum optical resource states. The use of nonlinear optical structures for the generation of non-classical light by spontaneous nonlinear processes is well established, whereby control of the modes of the optical structure enables control of many properties of the generated light. However, since photons are bosons, the photon-number statistics can only be controlled partially. On the other hand, atomic systems are characterized by the fermionic nature of their intrinsic electronic excitations. If coupled to nonlinear optical systems, the light generated by spontaneous nonlinear processes in such hybrid systems will show fingerprints of this different statistics, thereby opening up new avenues for engineering non-classical photon-number statistics of light.
In the project, we will explore hybrid nonlinear systems consisting from nonlinear interferometers in which we integrate atom-like emitter systems like defects in two-dimensional materials. Such systems will be implemented, and the states generated will be characterized experimentally. These works will be corroborated by parallel theoretical modelling, with the final aim of realizing new regimes for non-classical light generation, e.g., sources of quantum light with non-Gaussian statistics.